Case Study

Direct-Hit® Mobile App

Revolutionizing Automotive Repair Search


Direct-Hit Mobile’s value is to drive repair workflow efficiency by providing easy access to key repair information right at the vehicle. Direct-Hit Mobile provides access to more than 3 million Confirmed Fixes from Identifix’s industry-leading Hotline Archives, as well as OEM repair content to include service procedures, parts and labor, specifications, wiring diagrams, technical bulletins and more. It also includes videos from YouTube and Recall information from NHTSA.
The purpose of this case study is to highlight how Direct-Hit Mobile impacts the automotive technician, repair workflow and overall repair shop performance.

Challenges Faced

Time wasted moving from vehicle to PC and back to vehicle – this occurs multiple times during a repair.
Having to capture, memorize or print repair content at the PC and then taking the data in a digestible and convenient format back to the vehicle.
Inability to quickly find accurate diagnostic and repair information.
Limited access to PCs, forcing technicians to wait in line to get access to repair information (many shops have only one PC available to multiple techs).
Technician choosing to wing it versus looking up key repair information due to repair data access inefficiencies.
Technicians require access to repair information outside the shop (in the lot or on the road). More and more shops are engaging in mobile services and technicians often find themselves needing access to repair information on test drives, service drives, parking lots and roadside.
Technicians’ overall frustration from not being provided the tools and solutions that would allow them to perform their jobs in an efficient manner at the vehicle or outside the shop.
This case study represents several Aftermarket Repair shops that participated in our initial Direct-Hit Mobile pilot, as well as several shops that we’ve engaged after release. These aftermarket shops provide repair service on general diagnostics, maintenance and light repair for all types of vehicles. The average shop consists of 6 technicians with a mix of experience ranging from an apprentice to a Master ASE certified technician. Repair quality and efficiency is a top priority. Cost of diagnostic equipment, tools and repair information software is always a challenge with limited budgets to cover these types of software and hardware expenses. Shops must focus on solutions that have direct impact on quality, repair efficiency, cost savings and overall operation efficiencies. Technician turnover is a constant challenge and attracting, training and growing a quality team is not only difficult but also critical to the shop’s overall success.

Solution Implementation

The Direct-Hit Mobile App was designed and developed for ease of use:

  • New users can simply download the Direct-Hit Mobile App from the Apple App or Google Play store and log in with their existing account credentials.
  • Once logged in, they can take a photo of the VIN and load a vehicle. This will land the user into the dashboard where they can browse content by repair category or enter a keyword to perform a targeted search.
  • Technicians will also see several in-App tips to highlight key features.
  • Training and tip video shorts are also available to users in the App’s Help section.
  • CYTK’s Customer Success team monitors low usage shops to engage and offer training and assistance when needed.

Results and Benefits

Time saved: Reduce back-and-forth moving from vehicle to PC
Increase technician productivity and proficiency
Reduction in costly mistakes or misdiagnoses
No longer have to wait in line to access repair information
Provide additional access points to repair information (mobile phone and tablet)
Access to repair information, anywhere and at any time


Direct-Hit Mobile is changing how technicians access repair information, empowering them to deliver a quality repair and drive overall repair workflow efficiency. Shops that embrace and implement Direct-Hit Mobile will quickly become more efficient and higher profit operations.

Direct-Hit Mobile implementation within automotive is CYTK’s first white label Search implementation, but the model to bring mobile solutions (phone/tablets) to technicians to drive operational workflow efficiencies has value across all industries that engage in repair and maintenance.

Want to Learn More?

If you are an automotive repair shop, we invite you to download and try Direct-Hit Mobile. If you are an organization that engages in repair and could benefit by driving quality and operational efficiencies through mobile search, please reach out to us.


What people are saying about Direct-Hit® Mobile

As a professional technician, I can’t express how much I love using the Direct-Hit Mobile App. The VIN scanning feature is a game-changer for my workflow. With just a quick snap of the VIN, I instantly land in the Dashboard where I can easily access the Quick Views. The Quick Service Summary has become my go-to resource. The depth of information provided is truly impressive, with over 18 key data points for quick service, right at my fingertips. I have everything I need from resetting the engine oil light to accessing vehicle-specific oil and coolant specs, torque specifications, and much more – it’s all there, comprehensive and readily available.

What sets this mobile App apart is its accessibility. Whether I’m in the shop, at a client’s location, or even roadside, I can pull up vital information anytime, anywhere. It’s like having a complete service manual in my pocket, tailored to each specific vehicle I work on.

This App has significantly boosted my efficiency and helps ensure the quality of every repair I undertake. The convenience it offers is unmatched, allowing me to work smarter, not harder. To my fellow technicians out there, especially those focusing on maintenance services: I wholeheartedly recommend giving this wonderful tool a try. Trust me, once you start using it, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without it!

I love the VIN Capture tool, best in the industry!

The Quick Service Summary is a great tool. It gives me all the specifications that I need, all with a single click. It’s a great tool that helps me be more efficient.

I love how I can select a component and easily navigate across other repair categories. This is a big time saver for me.

I love how I have access to repair information outside the shop. I just used it the other day when I had to go roadside to meet a customer. I was able to access a technical service bulletin that was very helpful in diagnosing the vehicle issue.

I love how easy it is to access key repair information right in the palm of your hand, I never have to leave the vehicle and walk over and log in to our shared PC.